12 September, 2012

Teacher Day!

Monday was Teacher's Day here in China. It was also my first day teaching!

My sentiments about my first day teaching were similar to last year's. This semester, Monday is the busiest day of the week for me. I teach all morning, starting at eight a.m. I awoke at 6:15, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and ready to seize the day. Instead, I received a pleasant surprise: my water was off. Apparently that's still going to be a thing.

No complaints, though. It's all part of the process... including the following day, Tuesday, when I was so sick I could barely get out of bed. Who has two thumbs and had to cancel classes on the first week? This guy, unfortunately.

We were joking about taking
back-to-school photos. This was
mine. Not necessarily relevant, but
I thought the post needed a photo.
For anyone curious, I teach 16 hours this semester. Four hours a week teaching four different classes: English Writing III, English Writing V, Western Culture and a class entitled Selected Reading of English Periodicals. My favourite part of teaching these classes in China? When I inquire about what I should teach, and what kind of curriculum I should follow, my inquiries are met with an enthusiastic, "Do whatever you want!" (Please note, this last part should be in a sarcasm font.) Also, my first lesson in Selected Reading of English Periodicals is going to be that no one uses the word "periodicals", unless they are in a library.

Mondays, I teach English Writing III (for sophomores) from 8-10 and 10-12. From 2:30-4:30, I teach English Writing V (for Juniors). Tuesdays I teach another English Writing V from 8-10, then Reading Periodicals from 4:30-6:30. On Wednesday, I teach Western Culture from 10-12 and at 2:30-4:30, the other class of Reading Periodicals. Thursdays from 2:30-4:30, I teach my final Western Culture class.

Lastly, I've had some people ask me about my vacation blogs. They're coming. I've been busy...

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